Event in Baux de Provence Yves Brayer museum

Exposition temporaire

ROBERT DOISNEAU - Le Temps retrouvé

May 8th > November 10th 2025

The Salon d'Automne of 1904 was recognition for Paul Cézanne. He is considered the inspiration for a young generation who would question the history of art. The following year, at the Salon d'Automne of 1905, the works of a group of painters were brought together in the same room and caused a famous scandal. Louis Vauxcelles, as a joke, baptized them "Fauves" and they represented the avant-garde of painting for a short period.
It is in this connection that the exhibition of works by Provençal painters will be offered at the Yves Brayer Museum, bringing together, around Paul Cézanne, oils by René Seyssaud, Charles Camoin, Pierre Girieud, Louis-Mathieu Verdilhan, Alfred Lombard and Auguste Chabaud.
With them, the light of southern France which has enchanted so many painters can only perpetuate the happiness of living in Provence.


For any further information or documentation, Tel : 06 21 23 06 92 ou 06 23 16 47 75, Email : obrayer@noos.fr


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Event about Yves Brayer

Exposition temporaire et Sortie du Livre


October 18th > November 18th 2024


Galerie 26

26 place des Vosges 75003 Paris
Exhibition from October 18th to November 18th
info@galerie26.com - www.galerie26.com

Release of the Book published by the Editions des Falaises
Préface de Jean-Louis Etienne

Yves Brayer, a painter fascinated by the Mediterranean light, a great traveler, teaches us to look at the world and to preserve it in our memory. His paintings, lively and colorful, perfectly illustrate the places where the painter lived and that we discover in the landscapes of Greece, Italy, Spain and Provence.

The famous painter Maurice Denis will say of him "The indisputable gifts of this artist, the sense of color and the rare effect do not agree with the classical discipline and he does not seem preoccupied by it." ../.. His travels are both an escape and a quest, he will explore, go back to the source of his inspirations. He has a fascination for Spain, then for Italy that he will discover from the prestigious "base camp" that is the Villa Medici, the springboard of his fame.
(extract from the preface)

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